

Calms down when spoken to or picked up *
Looks at your face *
Seems happy to see you when you walk up to her *
Smiles when you talk to or smile at her *


Makes sounds other than crying *
Reacts to loud sounds *

Cognitive (Learning, Thinking, Problem-Solving)

Watches you as you move *
Looks at a toy for several seconds *

Movement/Physical Development

Holds head up when on tummy *
Moves both arms and both legs *
Opens hands briefly *
My Child's Summary
Not Yet
Not Sure

To have Help Me Grow follow-up about your child's results, please select the county the child lives in:

Child Name *
Parent Name *
Phone Number
Email Address *

By clicking “Submit”, you are authorizing the information you provided to be released to your local Help Me Grow.

I agree to allow Help Me Grow Florida to contact and follow-up with me on the results of this checklist and provide me with other relevant resources.

Help Me Grow Florida is currently not available in your area. Please call 2-1-1 to find other resources in your county.

Click the "Print" button below for a summary of your child's milestones to share with your child's doctor and other care providers.

You know your child best. If you have noted any concerns or selected "not yet" or "not sure" for any milestones, talk with your child's doctor, share the summary, ask for developmental screening, and visit Florida Early Steps (Part C early intervention) or CDC Child Development concerns to learn more information about services that can help.

Your Itemized Responses

Calms down when spoken to or picked up
Looks at your face
Tries to look at parent
Seems happy to see you when you walk up to her
Makes sounds other than crying
Reacts to loud sounds
Cognitive (Learning, Thinking, Problem-Solving)
Watches you as you move
Looks at a toy for several seconds
Movement/Physical Development
Holds head up when on tummy
Moves both arms and both legs
Opens hands briefly
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