Help Me Grow Florida (HMGF) is not a stand-alone program, but rather a system model that utilizes and complements other early childhood mechanisms in Florida communities. The HMGF system promotes cross-sector collaboration to build efficient and effective early childhood continuums of care. Service providers play a significant role in the HMGF system and ensuring that Florida’s children reach their full potential.
Sometimes, families have needs that are too great for one agency to solve alone. As a service provider, you may have noticed that some of the families you serve could benefit from connections to additional services and supports. In those instances, HMGF is here to help.
HMGF can provide families with the following assistance:
- Free developmental screenings, including:
- Ages and Stages Questionnaire 3 (ASQ-3)
- ASQ: Social Emotional 2 (ASQ:SE-2)
- Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC)
- Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT-R/F)
- Referrals to local resources and human service providers
- Care coordination with enhanced advocacy and follow-up
- Educational information and materials
HMGF can also support your agency by:
- Conducting training on HMGF and child development
- Participating in community outreach events

The 2-1-1 system and HMGF work closely to provide families with the most accurate and appropriate referrals for their needs. The 2-1-1 system provides thousands of referrals every month and is the largest and most comprehensive human services database in many communities. For more information about how to become a listed provider in the 2-1-1 database, contact your local affiliate.